Regain Inner Strength
It is November, the Sacred Warrior month.
A time to realign and refocus. Today we’re talking about regaining inner strength.
I regain inner strength by stepping outside in the morning and looking around at my environment.
Take a second to observe where you are right now. What do you see? What do you FEEL?
Do you regain inner strength from your environment?
It’s harvest: the time or period of gathering in crops.
Ask yourself what you’re harvesting this season. What crops are you gathering in to regain inner strength?
How do you harvest? What do you harvest?
This past week where I live we celebrated the time of Thanksgiving. Here is a Thanksgiving poem.
Count your blessings instead of crosses
Count your gains instead of losses
Count your joys instead of woes
Count your friends instead of foes
Count your smiles instead of tears
Count your courage instead of fears
Count your full years instead of lean
Count your kind deeds instead of mean
Count your health instead of wealth.
I am so thankful for you. I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.
If you’ve been thinking about improving your physical wellness, try Exercise Tuesday’s Tip here or on my social media.
I’m looking for 5-7 dedicated women over 50 who are interested in maintaining a healthy weight, increasing joint function, improving mental acuity, strengthening muscles and enriching the quality of life by participating in an introductory offer of The Balance for Boomers program.
Intro to Balance for Boomers program is for women over 50 who want to boost their energy, improve circulation, avoid injuries, have better posture, increase flexibility, relieve tension and are committed to doing the work.
Contact me anywhere or by clicking here if you are interested!