Spring Cleaning
Spring is the season between winter and summer when flowers bloom and trees begin to grow and reproduce.
The days grow longer and the temperature becomes more temperate. I live in Northwestern PA, so our spring temperatures fluctuate up and down. But that’s what spring is about: fluctuating.
Spring season gets its name from the verb TO SPRING.
It is a signal to the flowers and plants to spring up, spring open, “bursting at the stems” so to speak, into blossom.
We often describe spring as a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening.
Almost every culture, past and present, has some sort of ritual to celebrate the promise and fertility of spring.
“April showers bring May flowers”
is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed -- even an abundance of flowers in May.
Spring cleaning is the act or process of doing a thorough cleaning, and it can often be unpleasant or a chore.
This week I asked the Total Coverage Facebook page if we could try celebrating spring cleaning instead. Here are a few tips I came up with to celebrate the act or process of cleaning!
Open the windows: Smell the fresh air. Experience the temperature. Breathe. Let your feet breathe! Maybe put on some sandals!
Add flowers. Choose what makes your heart bloom! What does “blooming” look like for you?
Listen to Music That Celebrates Spring
Walking on Sunshine
Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine
Vivaldi’s “La Primavera” (Spring), a solo concerto from the Four Seasons.
Here comes the sun,
And I say,
It’s all right.
The Beatles