Walk Your Talk!
Does all this healthy living stuff REALLY help you live longer?
Does it really?
The British Medical Journal conducted a study that followed more than 110,000 people. That study showed that those who adopted healthy lifestyle habits such as controlling weight, exercising, and not smoking, lived long after the age of 50.
Lived HOW, though?
How are they living a more quality life than those individuals who did not adopt those habits of a healthy lifestyle?
Americans take between a thousand and five thousand steps per day, well below the golden number of ten thousand.
Today, my self-care tip is to Walk Your Talk.
When you wake up, walk to get lost. Walk in the cold. Walk in the rain. Walk before eating. Walk AFTER eating. Walk in the morning. Walk in the evening. Walk slow. Walk fast. Walk with your pet. Walk in your chair. Walk a new route.
And if this is not enough for you, purchase the book 52 Ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness.
You see, walking is the BEST modern movement.
Breathe in, “Oh well.” Exhale, “So what?”
and stay safe, strong, stretched, and centered